Number of Digit One (Two)

Given n, count how many times digit 1(or 2) appears in decimal representation of numbers from 0 to n, inclusively. This is a traditional interview question. The key is to use recursion calls and take care current digit position carefully. We must handle the cases that current digit is less than, equal to or greater than 1 (or 2).

Let's take digit one for example, for a number 123, we have to first find how many 1 appears in from 0 to 99, then we find how many digit appears from 0 to 23. As we have 1 at the highest digit position, we must add another 23 + 1 = 24 to the count. We recursively calculate count of 99 and 23.

For a number 234, apart from count from 99 and 34, we have to do more things. At first, if we fix the highest digit from 0 to 1, 99 pattern repeated twice, so we multipy the count from 99 with 2. When we fixed the highest digit to be 1, then from 100 to 199 we have 100 more digit one, so we add 100.

Based on this idea, we get the solution:

public class NumberOfDigitOne {
    public int countDigitOne(int n) {
        if (n < 1) {
            return 0;
        } else if (n < 10) {
            return 1;

        int l = 1;
        while (n / l >= 10) l *= 10;

        int r = n / l;
        int res = r * countDigitOne(l - 1) + countDigitOne(n % l);
        if (r > 1) res += l;
        else if (r == 1) {
            res += (n % l) + 1;
        return res;

Similarly, we can also give the solution of Number of Digit Two:

public class NumberOfDigitTwo {
    public int countDigitTwo(int n) {
        if (n < 2) {
            return 0;
        } else if (n < 10) {
            return 1;

        int l = 1;
        while (n / l >= 10) l *= 10;

        int r = n / l;
        int res = r * countDigitOne(l - 1) + countDigitOne(n % l);
        if (r > 2) res += l;
        else if (r == 2) {
            res += (n % l) + 1;
        return res;